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A Curb On Poverty

Poverty is a curse to humanity. Many nations of the world are facing this problem and are trying to find a solution.India is one among them. In our country also crores of people are living below the poverty line. Real development sets in only when their lot is improved. Governments are taking several steps in this regard. But by and large they have not yielded the desired result. Population explosion is the main hurdle in the way of removal of poverty.The root cause of poverty is man’s selfishness. Some people amass wealth and exploit others. The exploited remain poor. The rich are getting richer and the poor still poorer. There are a number of reasons for this. The wealth of nation is not equally distributed among its people. There is a yawning gulf between the rich and the poor. Society is divided into haves and have not's. Only few countries people have the right to property. Some get rich while others remain poor.

Our country has no reason to suffer from poverty. It is a land with great natural resources. But these are not properly utilized. Added to this, a large section of the population is not industrious. People are not ready to accept whatever work comes to them and do it well. This lethargy also is one of the causes of India’s poverty. Crores of people do not have basic needs fulfilled. They do not have a shelter, proper clothing or enough food. Many spend their lives without a fixed home. The Mahatma realized their neglected state and pleaded for their up-liftment. Since independence many schemes have been implemented to eradicate poverty. But they have not met with great  success. Eradication of poverty has been one of the chief objectives of our planning.

Fifty seven years of political independence failed to bring in economic development. Government are thinking of short term measures like providing subsides etc to alleviate poverty. The benefits of these measures are not reaching the really poor. Many selfish officials and mediators foil these schemes. Eradication of poverty has remained only as an attractive election slogan. Sincere efforts are not being made in this regard.

Long-term measures have to be taken on a large scale to eradicate poverty. Farmers have to be helped in every aspect. Job opportunities have to be improved. Self employment schemes have to be started in good number. The uneducated villagers should not be allowed to fail into the clutches of money lenders. Above all people should be so educated that they realize what is good for them. Only then poverty disappears.